What We Offer

Bring Your Success from the West to the East

Consulthink helps you to establish your new business opportunity in Southeast Asia, with more than 15 years of experience and connections to efficient business venture in Southeast Asia.

We provide you with the local representation in the region of Southeast Asia with our strong bound with the Hungarian and local governments in Southeast Asia. We have our strong partners, especially in Thailand, Indonesia, The Philippines, and Maldives

We have 2 local representative office in 2 different cities: one in Bangkok Metropolis, Thailand, and one in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Our Process For You

Consulthink Solutions helps you thriving strongly and with stability in Southeast Asia with our systematic approach through 15 years of our experience, from our first meeting until the business lauch in a Southeast Asian country.

  • Together for the Autists Foundation

    #1 Preparation

    We begin the journey with meetings to understand your product, business, and specific demand.

  • Messzehangzó Tehetségek Alapítványa

    #2 Analysis

    After we understand you, we create country and market analysis to gain insights into local markets for your product and identify opportunities and challenges within the countries.

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    #3 Representation

    we establish your presence through our representation services, ensuring your interests are well-represented.

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    #4 Searching for Trusted Distributor

    We search for a trusted and capable local partner/distributor for you in Southeast Asia.

Countries of Our Strength

At Consulthink Solutions, we are dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the vibrant markets of entire Southeast Asia. Each of the countries offers unique opportunities for growth and innovation. These are the countries that we have our strongest presence, and have high capability in supporting your business to achieve success:

Thailand 🇹🇭

Thailand, our regional center, is known for its advanced infrastructure, skilled workforce, and strategic location. With a robust economy and a focus on technology and innovation, Thailand is an ideal hub for businesses looking to expand in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia 🇮🇩

As the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia boasts a vast market with a rapidly growing middle class. Its rich natural resources, diverse industries, and improving business environment make Indonesia a prime destination for investment and expansion.

The Philippines 🇵🇭

The Philippines offers a dynamic business environment with a young, English-speaking population and a strong emphasis on technology and services. The country's commitment to economic reform and infrastructure development creates ample opportunities for growth.

The Maldives 🇲🇻

The paradise isle is known for its stunning natural beauty and thriving tourism industry, the Maldives is also making strides in other sectors such as renewable energy and fisheries. Its strategic location in the Indian Ocean makes it a gateway to South Asia and beyond.

National Export Development Program

Since 2017, Consulthink Solution has been delivering project management services in Southeast Asia. We've expanded our operations, developed new business ventures, and provided key account management services, all from our HQ in Bangkok. In 2020, we received financial backing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the HEPA Hungarian Export Promotion Agency. With 49.66 million Hungarian Forint in funding, matched by our own investment, we aim to further develop our business in Southeast Asia.

Project Goals

Extend Consultancy Activities in Asia: Targeting Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Maldives.

Support for IT, Agriculture, and Water Management Sectors: Helping these sectors enter and thrive in the Asian market.

Our mission is to enhance our presence in Asia, opening new channels for our customers and boosting the export capabilities of domestic companies.

Our Key Parners

The partners who chose us with their journey to the Far-East

At Consulthink Solutions, we tailor our collaboration to meet your specific needs, ensuring flexible and effective partnerships. Join our esteemed list of customers and partners in the region and turn your ideas into reality!

Be the next to achieve business success with us!